Current Champions
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Owned and Shown by Brynn Kuhnell
*Bronheulog Spring Song
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Brynn Kuhnell
Classic Hot Jazz
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Olivia Longshore
Owned and Shown by Caitlin Gross
Emerald Rain
Owned and Shown by Amanda Weaver
Fox Ridge Medley
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Anna Dickerson
Fox Ridge Medley
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Lily Dickerson
French Sunrise
Owned and Shown By Lindsay Bosse
Hail Yes Im Hot
Owned and Shown by Catherine Schumann
Shown by Taylor Douglas in Open Events
Hot Jazz and Soul
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Taylor Douglas
Owned and Shown by Lauren McDevitt
IndyGo Girl
Owned and Shown by Sydney Robbins
Shown by Taylor Douglas in Open Events
Jazz CD
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Hannah Frede in Novice and Amateur Events
Shown by Lindsay Bosse and Taylor Douglas in Open Events
Kobra K
Owned and Shown by Missy Jo
LA Wicked Temptress
Owned and Shown by Brynn Kuhnell
Miss Fashionably Late
Owned by Missy Jo
Leased and Shown by Stephanie Wyborski
My Hot Detail
Owned and Shown by Cindy Falk
Shown by Missy Jo and Taylor Douglas in Open Events
My Work of Art
Owned and Shown by Kyla Kuhnell
Not So Secret
Owned and Shown by Brynn Kuhnell
Pipen Hot Irons
Owned by Jay and Therese Paul
Shown by Maddie Paul in Youth Events
Shown by Taylor Douglas and Lindsay Bosse in Open Events
Potentially XraytdArt
Owned and shown by Julie Wolfe
PS Itsa Sign
Owned and Shown by Hannah Frede
Shown by Taylor Douglas and Missy Jo in Open Events
Ones Upon A Time
Owned and Shown by Taylor Douglas
Starship Yorktown
Owned and Shown by Amanda Weaver
Owned by Missy Jo
Leased and Shown by Lauren Meisner
Whispering Marquis
Owned and Shown by Brynn Kuhnell
Code of Conduct
Owned and Shown by Lisa Naive
Details By Sonny
Owned by Valerie Gilb
Shown by Leslie Gilb in Novice and Amateur Events
Dont Miss This Sonny
Owned and Shown by Courtney Glenn
Elusive Sky
Owned and Shown by Miranda Rogers-Schaefer in Amateur and Open Events
Especially Sonny
Owned and Shown by Leslie Gilb in Novice and Amateur Events
Shown by Missy Jo and Lindsay Bosse in Open Events
Graceful N The Irons
Owned and Shown by Erin Rust in Amateur and Open Events
Hail Yes Im Hot
Owned and Shown in Novice and Amateur Events by Catherine Schumann
Shown by Taylor Douglas in Open Events
Hot Jazz and Soul
Shown by Taylor Douglas
Owned by Missy Jo
Hot Stilts
Owned and Shown by Jaclyn Kowalski
Shown in Open events by Missy Jo
IndyGo Girl
Owned and Shown in Novice and Youth Events by Sydney Robbins
Shown by Taylor Douglas in Open Events
Jazz CD
Owned by Missy Jo
Shown by Hannah Frede
Shown by Lindsay Bosse in Open Events
My Hot Detail
Owned and Shown by Cindy Falk
Shown by Missy Jo and Taylor Douglas in the Open
Pipen Hot Irons
Owned by Jay and Therese Paul
Shown by Maddie Paul in Novice and Youth Events
Shown by Taylor Douglas and Lindsay Bosse in Open Events
Playin Hot Jazz
Owned by John Frede
Shown by Hannah Frede
Shown by Missy Jo in Open Events
Owned and Shown by Lyndsey Jenkins
PS Itsa Sign
Owned and Shown by Hannah Frede
Shown by Taylor Douglas and Missy Jo in Open Events
Ones Upon A Time
Owned and Shown by Taylor Douglas
Owned by Missy Jo
Leased and Shown by Grace Davis
Shes Insanely Jazzy
Owner and shown in Amateur Events by Ashley Diekmann
Smooth Like Jazz
Owned and Shown by Miranda Rogers-Schaefer
Preston Hollingsworth